North-eastern orientation for daytime use spaces while south-western orientation for the night time, and mutual shading is achieved through taller masses in the south and west.

Soil management through cut and fill approach, land as reproductive resource through cultivation, breaking the mass into chequered board pattern of the built and unbuilt to optimise outdoors as active extension of indoors.

Projecting profiles of upper floors and roofs for sun shading, ventilated cavity wall construction for active insulation, ferro-cement shell roofs for optimisation of structural stresses and reduced material consumption, vaulted roof forms for volume optimisation within.

Over two million litres of rain water harvesting in cistern, percolating well and an open pond, recycling of waste through natural plant-based root zone system, generation of methane gas through bio-gas digesters attached to the toilet waste, use of low water sanitary pans, fertilising of the compost. Solar active applications as water heater, solar cooking, solar photovoltaic panels producing electricity.

Saving of finishing material and maintenance through exposed brick external surfaces, frameless fenestrations, louvered-glazed and perforated window combinations for light-view and ventilation, interactive courtyard and terraces for outdoor use.