Tushar Mittal, Director, Studiokon Ventures (SKV)

Open Seating & Transparent WallsInterior designing of offices is no longer just planning where and how the furniture is to be placed. It has evolved in many ways and has become an intricate art, writes Tushar Mittal, Director, Studiokon Ventures (SKV) that created the office interiors of GlobaLogic as a ‘zero error’ workplace, made of 50% recyclable materials


The realization that ‘first impression’ carries a lingering image, has made employers conscious of the fact that a well-designed and creative workplace will also attract talent. Proper placement of furniture, good indoor air quality, comfort, daylight, location and amenities - all go into creating a healthy, productive workplace, which will consciously or sub-consciously influence employee’s mood and energy.

Corporate jobs demand a minimum of 9 hours of work, which is 38% of a total day. In daylight hours, the percentage increases to more than 50%, which means that an employee spends 6 out of 12 months a year in office!


In the current scenario, the new-fangled trend in workplaces is co-working and collaborative which is a contemporary alternative to the traditional and lacklustre cubicles. Open seating and transparent walls have replaced designated seating and opaque walls. Themed and inspiring walls are the new trend.

Healthy environment is a precursor to a productive organization

No one likes to work in offices that are totally concrete and offers no refuge in green environs. At GlobaLogic, all the workplaces are designed as green spaces. Green spaces can be created by using biodegradable and recyclable materials as far as possible, placing small fountains or aquariums, having glass fronts for natural lighting, and using higher oxygen producing indoor plants that can thrive indoors, are of low maintenance, and do not cause any allergic reactions.
We wanted collaborative spaces, chat networks which are not production areas but productive areas. They had to be very vibrant as well. We have used the best quality chairs keeping the health of our employees in mind.

Deepak Kumar, Manager Administration, GlobaLogic

The concept of “Adopter Plants” is also catching on. A plant is given to each employee to place on their work station and it is his/her responsibility to nurture and nourish the plant. This serves the dual purpose of increasing the health quotient of the workplace and spreading awareness about the environment.

Colours bring both calmness and vibrancy

With a 300-seating capacity, the GlobaLogic office was given a vibrant look with a tasteful combination of emerald green and purple that invoke calmness and vibrancy, respectively. Bringing varying rich shades of green colour to the workplace, increases workers’ productivity by offering a visually meditative experience that ultimately leads to happier and healthier employees.


While we applied orange with a black and grey coloured globe in the conference hall for a ‘serious’ look, the training room has more basic colours like green and lime yellow on hexagons made of fabric.

Often it is observed that while an office design boasts of lavish thought-provoking designs, the washrooms are kept plain and boring. Here is where we have scored extra points as we have made these areas look beautiful as far as possible.

Right furniture for seating important for employee productivity

The seating in workplaces must provide the correct posture and comfort to the employees. We decided to go for ergonomic furniture. Sitting on informal chairs or areas allows easy, informal communication. The set-up gives a natural rhythm to collaboration and fosters alliances, promotes learning, and nurtures a strong office culture. Amidst all this, is the break-out zone where employees can just put their legs up and relax. The cafeteria holds a welcoming look and is abuzz with chatter; in fact, it is a de-stressing zone.


Recyclable and biodegradable materials in demand

More than 50 percent of the materials used in the office are recyclable. The lighting fixtures from Legero are on different circuits that can be switched off during the day. Since the office has glass on three sides, there is enough natural light during the day. The partitions and screens have been generated from scrap. In fact, the current trend is using scrap and recyclable material, inclusion of oriental art forms like Japanese style, creating space saving, and high utility structures.