SJK Architects’ design of the JSW Sanjeevani Hospital in Dolvi Village, Maharashtra, is an antithesis of the typical white, sterile spaces that hospitals are infamous for.

The JSW Sanjeevani Hospital, a 75-bed Multispeciality Hospital, is located along a 50-km stretch with little to no access to adequate healthcare facilities. The first multispeciality hospital in the region, it consists of 13+ specialised consultancies based on the local community’s primary medical requirements.

Design of the JSW Sanjeevani Hospital in Dolvi Village

The design includes well-ventilated and well-lit spaces, patient wards with balconies, break-out spaces and corridors to facilitate interaction, views of nature, and incorporation of an art programme within the building. The hospital channels natural light and air not only for thermal comfort but also to reduce the spread of infections. An indigenous art programme is integrated in the hospital spaces.

SJK Architects
For us, the chance to build a multispeciality hospital in an infrastructure-starved rural region was a chance to create opportunities to improve the lives of the community.

Sarika Shetty - Partner, SJK Architects & Shimul Javeri Kadri, Founding Partner, SJK Architects

A landscape of indigenous vegetation revitalises the site into a lush green project. 100% of the stormwater is harvested on-site and channelled into percolation pits to recharge the groundwater. Grey water is recycled and used to irrigate the hospital landscapes and in flushing systems. About 20% of the hospital is fully air-conditioned, with the remaining spaces being naturally ventilated. This helps the hospital save 50 W of energy per square metre. Slag as a by-product and waste generated through the process of steel production from the nearby steel plant has been used in plinth filling, thus saving soil.

Design of the JSW Sanjeevani Hospital in Dolvi Village

The hospital has created local employment to decrease distressed migration; 99% of the 235-hospital staff, including doctors, are employed from within a 5 km radius. To ensure that healthcare services reach the grassroots level, the hospital conducts 20+ medical camps monthly with an average participation of 150+ people, covering 15-gram panchayats and 10 districts.