Sourabh Gupta
We are evolving spaces as per our societal needs and structures.
Modern India, is in a state of flux; we are at the threshold of trying not to be hung up on the past while not aping the West. India is trying to find its own interpretation of contemporary Indian living through design and architecture. We are evolving spaces as per our societal needs and structures. We now actively see how women participate in all spheres of public and professional life. The design and architecture domain offer a tremendous opportunity for development and evolution.

Software and technology are making things more convenient, fast and smart in the field of architecture and design.
I think use of technology in architecture and its visualization, forms a small part of the journey of designing a building. Just like technology in other fields, in architecture and design, software is making things more convenient, fast and smart, and is a novel tool to demonstrate an idea. Of course, it does help to explain the merit of the concept, but fundamentally, doesn’t influence the conceptual thinking in an important way.

JPN MuseumJPN Museum

The world has become so global that now it is finally about going back to the basics, about responsibility, about being local. These are the keywords of our times, therefore, traditional building materials with updated technologies are paving the way for future conscious living.

Techniques like prefab will definitely gain more visibility in the future.
To cater to the scale of India as well as to maintain quality while being economical and increase efficiency of construction, techniques like prefab are becoming popular and will definitely gain more visibility in the future. Architects and designers will work to strengthen technologies that complement and enhance the architecture conceived. I think the challenge is the opportunity in design.