AI will be an integral aspect of architecture
Architecture as a profession in India has embraced technology to an irreplaceable extent with digital tools like BIM, thermal comfort study software, design to build software like Revit, etc. There is also a big emphasis on sustainable practices and green buildings. Moreover, emphasis on creating designs that reflect the cultural heritage, adopting vernacular materials and methods are growing and rightly so; there is also a wide awareness of inclusive design.

With the advancement of AI, the realm of possibilities has grown multi-fold. AI will be an integral aspect of architecture at both micro and macro levels. Technological integration, IoT, adaptive reusage, are all going to be the order of the new world. Post pandemic, there’s been a pressing need for biophilic architecture that renders closed-door living more enriching.

AI will be an integral aspect of architecture

By leveraging the interface between building materials, technology, engineering, and architecture, construction projects can achieve higher quality, accelerated timelines, and improved sustainability, contributing to more resilient and efficient built environments. BIM integration in design, prefab and precast construction, 3D printing techniques, simulation models, etc. help in data analysis and in building understanding even before the structure is built. Hence, the future of architecture is likely to be dynamic and multifaceted, driven by a combination of technological innovation, social and environmental consciousness, and a commitment to creating spaces that enhance the quality of life for all.