According to him, the uPVC window system industry is experiencing the same phase as aluminium and the LED lighting industry. "A lot of cheap uPVC profiles are developed similar to those of low quality aluminium and the LEDs. This is really bad for any industry, struggling to gain the momentum from last few years." Mr. Mario, however, seemed happy to note that the inroads of low quality material is nothing but proof of increasing popularity of uPVC among the homeowners.
Mario feels that the industry is going in wrong direction without any doubt. And, to bring it back the uPVC profile manufacturers should come forward to take the responsibility. "As the industry stakeholders, we are committed to increase the end consumers’ awareness about the quality of the final products. All those, engaged in uPVC manufacturing, fabrication, and installation, should together work in a unified direction to bring the industry back on the right track. We also let our customers know as to how low quality uPVC plays a big role in bringing loss to them. On the other hand, if they opt for quality products, it can help them conserve natural resources like wood and energy, besides keeping the buildings free from termites and paint," he said.
On the efforts Lingel is putting forward in this direction, Mr. Mario said, "We are now offering replacement of existing uPVC window systems which had been installed by other fabricators five-six years back and are fail to deliver the promises it had made. This service is free, without any cost. In this way, we are trying to educate customers about the difference between the good quality and bad quality of uPVC." He further added that the fight is now not between the aluminium and uPVC, rather between high and low quality uPVC.
As of now, Lingel is doing well with 50,000 window installations recorded in the last fiscal alone. "We foresee a very good future lying ahead for uPVC window systems industry on the back of the anticipated boom in the real estate. However, for now, more than 70% of the demands is from retail," said Mr Mario, and insisted that keeping everything aside, India needs more investment as the industry is relatively new and need extensive awareness campaign from the big players like Profine, Veka, Aluplast, Rehau, Encraft, Dimex, etc. "They should come forward to let the customers know about the quality of this product. Also, these profile manufacturers should take extra care while selecting fabricators," he quipped.