PSP uPVC Doors & Windows give higher performance as all the sections are specially designed as per German standards with 2.5mm outer and 1.2mm inner wall thickness. Sections are multi-chambered with High Impact Value and High UV Resistance. The uPVC system is energy efficient, has thermal insulation to resist heat loss in winter and reduce heat gain in summer, is corrosion resistant, fire retardant, 100% water and termite proof, weather resistant, environment-friendly and provides sound insulation and security.
The company also provides profile sections, doors and windows in wood and in grey and black color laminations with high performing German foil. PSP profiles are being used by construction agencies in central and state government sectors like NBCC, CPWD, PWD, Housing Ltd, Airport Authority of India, Bihar Medical Infra, Railways and Defence, and in many low- and high-rise buildings in the private sector. PSP’s manufacturing unit at Alwar is among the top 3 producers of uPVC profiles, doors and windows.
PSP Takes Sustainable Approach for uPVC Doors & Windows
- MGS Architecture September 2019