Integrated townships are necessary to relieve pressure on the existing city’s infrastructure such as the roads, water supply, sewage, garbage disposal, and pollution. Integrated Townships have been described as a possible response to this problem, with metropolitan areas becoming increasingly crowded and unable to meet future growth potential. As a result, a clear identity must be established for the city’s potential growth to be successful.
In addition to green and open spaces, an integrated township offers a strong mix of residential and commercial spaces, well-developed modern facilities, and recreational amenities.

The evolution of a healthy township will promote a wholesome life without pollution.
With some key principles, the focus of a township creation should be on ensuring safety and protection. It promotes walkability, connectivity, mixed use and diversity, mixed housing, quality architecture and urban design, traditional neighbourhood structure, increased density, green transportation, sustainability and better quality of life.
Integrated townships offer self-contained residential units with schools, hospitals, stores, restaurants, cafes, parks, landscaped gardens, retail outlets - factors that lead to a more progressive lifestyle. These townships also aim at providing high-quality affordable housing.
Mews Gate designed by us is an integrated township with a mix of commercial and retail stores, low and high-rise residential units, and green areas that include a sports park. The project focuses on the development of a long-term living ecosystem supported by modern infrastructure that promotes a healthy, relaxed environment, encourages people to walk to work and school to minimise vehicular traffic and pollution within the township.