In our everyday life we experience architecture daily from the place we reside, during our commute, and at our workplace. This experience is further heightened in our travels and vacations. To say spaces have a direct impact on us would be an understatement. Spatial designs are one of the single most contributing factors to a healthy state of mind.
Take for example last year when people were trapped indoors due to the virus, our homes were not only a refuge for safety but also became multifunctional spaces for home schooling and office work. The design and layout of these homes became a priority for the inhabitants and thus for the designers to realise that the future designs of buildings will have to be sensitised even more.

So far, the architectural landscape has been sporadic in its implementation of designs which encourage social living/interaction with very little emphasis on sustainability.
Buildings of today and the future will have to bear these two factors at the early stages of design and implementation. Governing by laws will need to be tweaked to make provisions that encourage social interaction. We live in a populated country. We need to provide for spaces that cater to the influx of people and are yet lenient for social interactions to happen. These spaces need to be conceived both outside the buildings and between buildings as much as within the building itself. Inclusion of nature as a driver for better social wellbeing is widely acknowledged. Biophilic designs are now being embraced. These increase social interaction and also the well-being of individuals.

Far too often the responsibilities with sustainability have been shrugged. Time has come to make the building more energy efficient. A strong mindful approach on sustainability is the way forward. Design and designers can no longer turn a blind eye to these larger issues which will have a long-lasting impact on the way we live and in creating a better environment.